Pre Mediation Care Suggestions
You are about to embark on a conflict process. This can be an unsettling experience and you will need support. As we begin the process, here are some things you can do to support yourself.
1. Ask friends to hear you and empathise with your feelings and needs.
2. Have a support circle with peers and community for you to be heard and if relevant, to hear from everyone how this conflict is for them.
The mediation process cannot do your innerwork for you. You will need to find ways of integrating your experience. Here are some possibilities.
Do a ‘deep empathy’ or therapeutic process around your pain, with an experienced facilitator. This process focuses on your experience.
Do an ‘enemy image’ or ‘humanising the other’ process. This nonviolent process focuses on your experience and the experience of the other person you are in conflict with. If you are resourced with curiosity and some degree of healing and self connection, it is possible to guide yourself through the process, but even better to do it with a facilitator who is familiar with the process. Here is more info for a self guided process. Everyone proficient in NVC will be able to support you in this process, or find a facilitator here.
Consider the support you might want / need during the process and talk to your supporters about how they can help provide it. Most importantly, don’t bottle up the tension. Talk about it.
Ensure you are getting out in nature; daily walks, do mindful movement such as qi gong, tai chi etc in nature. Drink herb teas and lots of water. Take time out.
Here are some suggestions for After Mediation Care Suggestions
Compiled by Ceri Buckmaster (Feel free to use and share, leave this credit in)