I am now offering a Nonviolent Communication Self Study, specially designed practices to do by yourself. I include my Overview of Nonviolent Communication and why it is of such value in the current climate, I talk about the lineage of NVC and who has influenced it and how it links up to other current thinking.
For example, I link Marshall Rosenberg’s codifying of power-over, non-empathic ways of communicating with Naomi Klein’s exploration of ways we don’t see ourselves and others clearly, in our social media fuelled world, through the strategies of partitioning, projecting and performing.
You will learn several Core Skills of NVC, that are possible to do by yourself. It's 2.5 hours of videos which you can do in about 3 - 3.5 hours or you can take as long as you want. That's the beauty of self study. You can also contact me anytime if you get stuck, and I highlight communities of practice you can join.
Here's a short video about it
Maybe you have been aware of NVC for some time, possibly read Marshall’s book, or maybe you don’t want to do a ‘live’ course with other people.
If you are ready to dive in, here's the link to the programme